Saturday, January 31, 2015

Youth Ministry and Technology to Enhance Prayer Time with Free Catholic Apps

Our youth have something in their hand or pocket all the time. It is either a cell phone or an ipod.
This is just part of our changing life styles. Use the technology that is available to enhance prayer time and Youth Ministry.

(Always give instruction on how to stay safe on the internet first! Don't ever think they already know the rules - repeat, repeat, repeat!)

There are many free Catholic apps available to download. Talk to children and youth about what is out there.

My favorite is called Laudate.
Free Catholic App Laudate

It is available for both Android and iOS systems.

Our children and youth are afraid to tell us that they may not know how to pray the Rosary or where to find the Daily Readings. We need to encourage them that it doesn't matter if we pray "right", just that we pray.  Prayer is just a conversation with God.  It is never right or wrong and that there are many forms of prayer.

Laudate app allows us to listen to podcasts of the Daily Reading and Holy Rosary & Chaplets - my personal favorites! These allows us to learn while listening.
You can chose to read.  There are also interactive links and other materials include Confession (Examination of Conscience), Stations of the Cross, Prayers, Catechism, EWTN, Order of the Mass, Liturgy of the Hours - many more.

There are also Free Catholic Books from Amazon that can be downloaded to the devices.
Free Catholic Book

Other free Holy Rosary apps can be found too.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Educating Children and Youth on Safety Practices

 "God is love; therefore, each person is made in the image of love and created to act in love."

That is the first quote in the 'Principles for Child Protection Catechesis' In this document you will find the alignment of Scripture and Catholic teaching that you want to convey.

Teaching children and youth that they are truly a gift from God is the first step to educating them on how to be safe.

The website has material to help educate and protect our youth and children. (If you are an parent, educator, DRE or coordinator - teaching materials, worksheets and presentations can be downloaded free.)

The materials are in separate categories that are age appropriate for children, teens and tweens.
 Links to the safety topics covered:
 Children and youth are our greatest resource and and incredible gift. Teaching them how to look for danger and see the warning signs can protect them and help protect others because of the knowledge that was instilled in them.

Mother Mary, pray for us to your Son Jesus to instill in us Grace and guidance. AMEN

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What is the Process and Steps to Sainthood?

What is the process and steps the Catholic Church takes to declare official Saints?

The Catholic Church does not "rush" a deceased person into a Saint.

We are all called to sainthood and we should all strive to live a saintly life.

Busted Halo has put together a video on YouTube that is short and gives the overview of the process and steps to being declared a Saint ~ and explains the exceptions.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Stations of the Cross for Children

A way to combine different grade levels for the Stations of the Cross for Children is to have each grade write about a station.  They can use Bible verses and/or write about something that the station means to them as a group by grade. When each station is completed, review them. You can compile each station into a booklet and/or have a designated person read at each station. 

Start with an opening prayer, Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Have 1-2 people at each station to read.  
Start with the First Station - Jesus is condemned to death.
     (Leader says, "We adore You O Christ and we praise you." All genuflect and all say "Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the World" after announcing each station.)

The children or youth then read what was written for that station. 

Then repeat above at each station. 

At the end - have a closing prayer with Bible reading. Finish with the Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

You can do this with older youth too. Just change the grade level for each station.  

Another activity that can be added is to have the children color a picture for each station and post them around an area for "their own" stations to walk.

My project below can be downloaded here.

St. Valentine's Day Scripture Bulletin Board and Crafts

There are so many good St. Valentine's Day ideas on Pinterest for Faith Formation and Youth Ministry.

I came across a great pin for a Valentine's Day Scripture Bulletin Board!
Christian Valentine's Day Bulletin Board Idea

This great idea comes from the website

On the website I also came across the "I love you" hand print magnet craft for a Valentine's Day craft / gift that is not too difficult for most children.

Another easy Valentine's Day craft for young children is the "Open the Eyes of My Heart" craft - brought to us by Catholic Icing .  Inexpensive and easy to prepare.

Valentine's Day is a good time to remember the senior citizens at your parish by hosting a breakfast/luncheon or just donuts and coffee for them after a Mass close to Valentine's Day. Many times they are alone and appreciate the extra love shown them. What better can we do for St. Valentine's Day than to show our love for others?

Have the children take place mats and decorate them for the event or they can make centerpieces.

An inexpensive and easy centerpiece - Have the children make hearts and glue the on the top of pipe cleaners for flowers. Use red/pink construction paper for the hearts. Cut some leaves from green construction paper and put them on the pipe cleaners too.  Now stick the "flowers" (put 2-3 stems) into inverted styrofoam cups. You could even add ribbons on the "vases".  The seniors can take them home if they like.
What you need for this project:
styrofoam cups
pipe cleaners (preferably green)
pink, red and green construction paper
ribbon (optional)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Bulletin Board for Lent

A few years ago I made a bulletin board for Lent so that the children could "walk" the path with Jesus.
I also put it on Pinterest

Look for images for Lent on free clip art websites.  Fish symbols were used on Ash Wednesday and all Friday's.  

There are many free foot print images that you can copy, or you can put ink on your hand and make the feet like we did on the bus when we were children on the frosty windows! Then  make copies. Make sure you have a left and right foot print so that the effect of "walking" shows on each day. 

I used a Cricut machine to cut the numbers and words that were used.  

The stones were each cut from a full sheet of black construction paper - each stone represents a day of Lent. The first stone is Ash Wednesday and the last being the open tomb of Easter Sunday.  Look for printable images for Holy Week and Easter too.

I found a wonderful free printable Lenten Calendar on another blog. Click here view and print it.  

Use the free printable calendar for ideas of how to decorate your bulletin board. 

Children learn from visual images/words and repeating the information. If you use this bulletin board on a daily/weekly basis during Lent, the children will learn from it and think about Jesus' journey and passion!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

My First Post - Being a Dynamic Catholic and Decision Point

Well, it is time for my first post on the new blog.  This blog is dedicated to Catholic Youth and Children's programs, including Faith Formation, Youth Ministry and Liturgy of the Word for Children. I am hoping that it will be a spot that you will return to time and time again.

Let's talk first about Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry is the program that takes our children and makes them disciples! Faith Formation teaches them the Catholic faith and prepares them for the Sacraments.

The program that I chose for our Youth Ministry program at our parish this year is a free program that we work with. The program is from Dynamic Catholic and it is called Decision Point. It is considered a 2 year Confirmation program, but since our parish had a new Confirmation curriculum in place, I decided to use it for our Youth Ministry program. It is good for grades 6 through senior citizens! It should be viewed by everyone in my opinion. Matthew Kelly brings the faith to life in his rendition of "being the best version of yourself".

(Decision Point preview)
 Since Wednesday is "religion" night for most people, it was only obvious that we capture as many youth as we can with that night. I was granted the first Wednesday of each month for my large/small group session.  Being such, it became know as "First Wednesday".