This is just part of our changing life styles. Use the technology that is available to enhance prayer time and Youth Ministry.
(Always give instruction on how to stay safe on the internet first! Don't ever think they already know the rules - repeat, repeat, repeat!)
There are many free Catholic apps available to download. Talk to children and youth about what is out there.
My favorite is called Laudate.
It is available for both Android and iOS systems.
Our children and youth are afraid to tell us that they may not know how to pray the Rosary or where to find the Daily Readings. We need to encourage them that it doesn't matter if we pray "right", just that we pray. Prayer is just a conversation with God. It is never right or wrong and that there are many forms of prayer.
Laudate app allows us to listen to podcasts of the Daily Reading and Holy Rosary & Chaplets - my personal favorites! These allows us to learn while listening.
You can chose to read. There are also interactive links and other materials include Confession (Examination of Conscience), Stations of the Cross, Prayers, Catechism, EWTN, Order of the Mass, Liturgy of the Hours - many more.
There are also Free Catholic Books from Amazon
Other free Holy Rosary apps can be found too.