Thursday, February 19, 2015

First Eucharist Retreat

My coworker has taken a bad fall and broke her leg in a few places, she will be out for quite sometime. She has an elementary First Eucharist Retreat scheduled for Saturday. Being I had been the elementary coordinator in the past and was a second grade Catechist for many years, it was assigned to me. I am very sorry for her fall and pray for a speedy recovery from her injuries, but at the same time it gives me another good Lenten opportunity to teach and pray!

We will start the retreat with prayer and then move on to the prayer stations my coworker had already made. She made 3 beautiful stations for them to review as they prepare for First Communion.

Then we will gather together again and do a presentation Q&A that I had made years ago. (It can be downloaded below.)

Link for First Eucharist Retreat download.

After the Q&A - we will gather with Father and "break bread". Before we eat we will have the Bible readings for the Passover, Water into Wine, Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes, and Last Supper - around the table. Each reading having a miracle and each with sharing a meal.

 The table will be set with loaves, grapes, grape juice, and wheat along with butter and grape jelly.

The children enjoy being a part of the meal and especially having Father come down with "images" to share and explain..

I am looking forward to working with the First Communicants again!

Mother Mary pray for us to have a good retreat on Saturday! Amen