Thursday, February 26, 2015

God is Good Everyday! Faith Formation, Lent and Music

I forgot how much I enjoy working with Elementary age children for Faith Formation. My coworker is still out with an injury so I worked with the Faith Formation program again yesterday. We had the First Communion Retreat last Saturday and that just fueled my flame for formation again in young children.

Last night at the start of the program we had a gathering to pray and talk about the Liturgical Season of Lent with a powerpoint. Then out came the music. I had some videos stored on my computer from a few years ago when I was the coordinator, so I didn't have to work too hard to pull it all together.

A few of the older elementary (we had pre-5th at that time) remembered me and the music so they were leaders for the younger children in the "choreography".

This is one of the favorites - we made up our own "movements".

 This video has it all - music and choreography!


Prayer, powerpoint and music only lasted 10 minutes so it didn't infringe on the Catechist's time with the students, but enhanced the experience. If the children aren't engaged, they become bored and that leads to being tired and not paying attention. Elementary session is from 6-7pm, so that age is tired by this time of the day and need the music and movement to invigorate them for the rest of the lesson.

I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy time in prayer and Catechesis with all people, but especially children and youth.

The youth group meets from 6-7pm too, so I had them come out for the gathering with the younger students. After the elementary were released to their teachers we went to the youth room to work on posters for the March Food Drive.  They were so understanding of the situation.

At 7:00 we had a few minutes to get set up for the 6-10th grade to start at 7:15pm, playing music in the gathering area of course~

The youth gathered for prayer. Then we had a powerpoint that started with Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus in the Desert that youth volunteered to read. We then watched a great video from Busted Halo that was only a couple minutes long about our personal journey in the desert.

Make Faith Formation joyful. Learning can be joyful. Praise and worship can be joyful.
Lent is a penitential time, but still can be joy filled.

Ecclesiastes 8:15

"Therefore I praised joy, because there is nothing better for mortals under the sun than to eat and drink and be joyful;"

Mother Mary, Pray for us to be joyful and praise God everyday!  AMEN
God is good - EVERYDAY
and EVERYDAY God is good!