Sunday, February 8, 2015

Is There a Connection with the Book of Revelation and the Eucharist?

I have said before that I have 7 children - 5 girls and 2 boys. It is going to get confusing when I keep referring to them as my daughter or my son - so I am going to give them a number of 1 through 7. When I refer to them, I will say (example) #5, daughter. #'s 3 and 4 are sons, the rest are daughters. So if I say #7 - daughter, you will know that is my youngest. Hope that helps.

#5-daughter called me on Wednesday and asked if I had ever read Revelation. I told her yes, I had. I could tell she was shaken a bit. I told her that Revelation needs to be interpreted and it is confusing to people, not just her. Of course she was most shaken by the beastly creature.

I told her to go to youtube and watch Scott Hahn explain Revelation from his book The Lamb's Supper:the Mass as Heaven on Earth. It is such a beautiful reflection on Revelation and the Eucharist. This clip is a bit over an hour, but time goes so fast when you are listening to such a great teacher!

She called me after listening to Scott Hahn and said how this changed her whole outlook on the Book of Revelation and the Eucharist.

Many people read and study Revelation as the end times, Dr. Hahn sees it as a comparison to the Mass.

The Lamb's Supper: the Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn is very in depth and descriptive on the comparison of Revelation and Eucharist.

I recommend anything that Scott Hahn has written - but in this instance, especially this book.