Saturday, April 4, 2015

Resurrection - NEW LIFE! Happy Easter

"Sure as a chick comes from an egg, Jesus rose from the dead." That is what my Grandmother would tell me when I asked her why we have Easter eggs on Easter.

That brings up the old saying, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?'' Giving way to the creation story.

We also compare Easter to a caterpillar and a butterfly. The caterpillar goes off into a cocoon and emerges as a radiant butterfly - NEW LIFE!

New life through Jesus Christ.

Because Jesus died for us, we are able to have our sins cleansed and that allows us to be with Him in heaven - NEW LIFE!

Jesus gave Himself for us on the cross, but death could not stop God. Jesus rose from the dead, the Resurrection and the NEW LIFE!

Today, Easter Sunday, is the most important day in our Catholic faith. The Resurrection!

Jesus entered our world as an infant to show us His humanness. He died and left the world as a Man. He rose from the dead as God.

Jesus was always God Man, but He didn't stop anything just to make Himself feel better. He could have removed His chains and the cross at anytime. He chose the Cross.

His Resurrection gives us faith and hope for a NEW LIFE!


Brought to life from an older blog post of mine.

Mother Mary - You watched your Son go through His Agony and Death, yet you stayed strong for your children. Pray for us. Amen