Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Photography as a Tool for Youth Ministry

My youngest daughter is now 17. She is the youngest of 7 children. When the older sibs were young, I would have them make things - crafts, sewing, etc, anything to enter in the local fair.  They enjoyed getting ribbons and ribbons led to money! It was always a fun time for them to start early and get ready for the fair.

Well as time went on, I wasn't on the ball quite as much as before so I wasn't always on my game to have our youngest ready for the "fair".

So when she was about 7, I gave her my digital camera and told her to take some pictures so I could quickly go and get them printed to make it to the fair on time and enter!

Well, this led to a love of photography for her. That first blue ribbon gave her confidence. Then the grand champion many years later. She became enthralled in photography and has a great eye!  So my "not being so on the ball" turned out to be a blessing in disguise!

She has started a blog with her photography and I have one of her pictures for the cover photo on this blog.

Since she is in our Youth Group, I decided to have them make a video.They picked a song, which took a few sessions to decide on and printed the lyrics so that they could start compiling pictures for the movie.

I told them they needed to take all of the images for the video and that there could be no faces (people) in the pictures. They took the pictures and made the video using Movie Maker (It is usually pre installed on Windows based computers).  The song they picked out is How He Loves Us by David Crowder Band - Very good choice!

I had never created a video from images and music before but one of my daughters had made a few for me for Vacation Bible School. A quick tutorial from her and we were on our way.  There are many tutorials on youtube to help you out.

It was fun to watch them learn to use the software. They learned a new skill and created a beautiful praise and worship video that we uploaded to youtube.com . It turned out to be a fun Youth Ministry project that took most of the year working on it from song decision to pictures and arrangement to the finished project.