Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Technology and Youth Ministry - Yes Please

Technology for youth is essential. It is a part of who they are today. We can incorporate the good from technology into our faith formation.

A fun activity for teens is to do a poll and  have them use texting to respond to the poll. There is a free poll creator at Poll Everywhere . You can have 25 replies (individual) free or teacher (educators) can have 40 replies free per poll. Replies can be texted, Twitter (tweets) or by web browsers.

It is fun to incorporate into PowerPoint presentation or just as a separate activity.

The results come in at real time, so they can watch the results.  I like to project my laptop on a screen.

It doesn't matter if you have more than 25 or 40 youth - it just takes the first 25 or 40 responses that come in (first in are the first recorded till the quota is met) for the free version.

It is a good way to start intriguing dialog with the youth. The results can lead to chatter and input on great topics.

Think of questions to ask your audience -

Which is the most important Feast - Christmas or Easter?

Is the Immaculate Conception Mary or Jesus?


The questions are endless that can be used.

Or you can use the poll as an ice breaker to get everyone talking to each other about questions like-

"Would you rather be the best player on a team that always looses or the worst player on a team that always wins?"

For faith formation or for ice breaker youth group game, either way, it is using technology in a fun and positive manner.